National Overview - Senate
Note: Name listed next to the seat is the Incumbent, not the projected winner.
Solid Retention - Total: 7
- Dick Lugar, Indiana
- Olympia Snowe, Maine
- Trent Lott, Mississippi
- John Ensign, Nevada
- Kay Bailey Hutchinson, Texas
- Orrin Hatch, Utah
- Craig Thomas, Wyoming
Moderate Retention - Total: 1
- John Kyl, Arizona
Very Weak Retention - Total: 3
- Jim Talent, Missouri
- No Incumbent, Tennessee
- George Allen, Virginia
Solid Retention - Total: 10
- Dianne Fienstein, California
- Tom Carper, Delaware
- Daniel Akaka, Hawaii
- Ed Kennedy, Massachusetts
- Ben Nelson, Nebraska
- Jeff Bingaman, New Mexico
- Hillary Clinton, New York
- Kent Conrad, North Dakota
- Robert Byrd, West Virginia
- Herb Kohl, Wisconsin
Moderate Retention - Total: 2
- Bill Nelson, Florida
- Debbie Stabenow, Michigan
Weak Retention - Total: 3
- No Incumbent, Maryland
- No Incumbent, Minnesota
- Maria Cantwell, Washington
Very Weak Retention - Total: 1
- Robert Menendez, New Jersey
Very Weak Gain - Total: 2
- Mike DeWine, Ohio
- Lincoln Chafee, Rhode Island
Weak Gain - Total: 2
- Conrad Burns, Montana
- Rick Santorum, Pennsylvania
Solid Retention - Total:1
- No Incumbent, Vermont
Weak Gain - Total: 1
- Joe Lieberman, Connecticut
At 2:07 PM ,
Winston said...
Aren't Dewine and Talent Republicans?
At 3:46 PM ,
Tom said...
The person listed for the seat is the incumbent, not the projected winner.
At 2:26 PM ,
Winston said...
Ah, so Dewine and Talent and Burns are on the way out. . .
At 10:23 PM ,
Tom said...
As the polls look now, yes. While Talent is leading McCaskill in the current poll, the past couple polls have had McCaskill in the lead. Therefore, I will wait until another poll comes out to reaffirm if Talent is out or in as of now. For Burns, he is currently tied with Tester and is only slightly leading Morrison. Montana does not have a problem electing Democrats, and Burns has been getting hammered relentlessly by the Montana press. Furthmore, a tribe recently rejected Burn's offered donations, saying the money was tainted. We will see how both races turn out. In the end, I doubt both or even one will go Democratic, but as of now it looks that way.
At 12:21 AM ,
Tom said...
BQueen, the person listed for the seat is the incumbent, not the projected winner.
At 4:27 PM ,
Anonymous said...
I could have sworn that Morrison was leading Burns 50-42.
At 2:34 AM ,
Anonymous said...
I am sorry you have so many incoherent, and rather ridiculous people commenting on here.
I also disagree with the weak retention for Maria Cantwell, in the last few weeks she has really strengthened in the Polls and Washington tends to favor Democrats. Further, even the previously heavy republican District eight is in doubt, so I think Maria Cantwell is in a very strong position.
As for Missouri, it is correct that dead people can't vote, but some of your commenters have been reading a little too much right-wing propaganda.
As for Montana, it probably will go Democratic, in 2004, a very good Republican year, the state Governorship, House, and Senate went Democratic. Further Conrad burns is corrupt, a liar, and very much a representative of the current Republican Party.
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